I am at once excited and dismayed to be at the point where I need to start seriously considering cover art for my book. There are a lot of options. Too many, really. And from a marketing perspective, this may be the most important decision I make.

All along in the process, I assumed that I would produce my own cover art. I did minor in Art in college, after all, and I do have experience in several media from watercolor to intaglio printmaking. I’m not bad, if I do say so myself. But this seems like a whole new world, and some good advice I received was that if your cover art looks amateurish, people will assume the writing is too. How’s that for judging a book by its cover? But that advice came from Liz Schulte, who has quite a bit of experience in the self-publishing game (and you can expect some more tidbits from Liz later this week), so I am inclined to listen to her.
So I guess I’m in the market for a cover artist – if you know anyone who is easy to work with and reasonably priced, send’em my way.