For an injured athlete, or an astronaut on the International Space Station, the atrophy of unused muscles is a real concern. For a writer, if you’ll forgive my comparison of the brain to a muscle, keeping the creative juices flowing is
Happy New Year!
If you’re like me, your social media is full of people celebrating the end of the annus horribilis known as 2016. Apart from what certainly seemed to be an inordinate number of celebrity deaths last year (Prince being the biggest
The Shortest Day
Sorry, I disappeared there for a couple of months. Pretty much everything stopped for the launch of my book on Nov 1, and there were a lot of things piling up that needed my attention. But I am somewhat caught
A Trilogy? Really?
About a week ago I stumbled across kboards. What is kboards, you ask? It is at once a treasure trove of valuable information for independent authors and the most depressing place I’ve ever been. Not really, but given how long
Stealing Ideas
It’s been said that professional writers don’t worry about other writers stealing their ideas. I’m sure it doesn’t happen often, but it’s gotta happen sometimes, right? Because, everything’s a remix, after all. That is, there are very few new ideas